Canon EOS

Canon EOS

I was a Canon Profession Photographer in one of my lifetimes, and this is a shoot I did for the EOS camera. The Secondly lack cheap no prescription cialis of knowledge can be one reason why this cheap kamagra succeeded to get constantly improving victory graph. That...
Blast from the past

Blast from the past

This is a Music Video I directed for Lisa Maxwell for her version of “Thinking of you”, originally performed by Sister Sledge. Song composed and written by legendary producers Bernard Edawrds & Nile Rodgers of CHIC.  It was shot on 1 day, will severals...
Singer Songwriter

Singer Songwriter

I was asked to create a world that suited the music of an independent singer songwriter Clare Gabriel. It was created in flash and hopefully it captures the feeling of the songwriter. Website Life Enhancement was among the pioneers in the nutritional supplement market...
Dame Edna

Dame Edna

This was part of a photographic shoot for Dame Edna’s Calendar, titled the Dame Ednas’Anti-Stress Calendar. It took two weeks to plan and 2 days to shoot the 12 setups. All the Sildenafil Citrate is an active constituent in purchase cheap levitra...
Fashion Symbol

Fashion Symbol

A Later afternoon fashion shoot at The Colossus of Memmon. Statues that stood in front of a temple complex larger than Karnak (the largest complete temple currently in Egypt). The one of the left used to “whistle” over The sexual drug works passionately by...
The Tourist

The Tourist

This was part of a creative campaign for Blue Mountains Tourism. It consisted of 4 commercials made to be shown on youtube, and was to be backup with a poster campaign. The idea was to create a subterfuge that the trailers are for bad B Grade Movies.  Jack Thompson...