Explorer 1

Please enter the realm of Explorer One and allow us to take you on a voyage of discovery from Earth to the Southern Hemisphere skies and beyond.
– an interactive environment where you become the astronomer, intent upon understanding and unravelling mysteries of the Universe. At your fingertips you have the very latest tools for space exploration; a powerful optical telescope bringing to you the crisp imagery of clouded, ice capped and harshly eroded planets; a radio telescope brings telemetry reaching to the beginnings of time; a spacecraft capable of moving at the speed of light and a space probe that can go to places known and unknown bringing back superb images and scientific data. I was the Creative Director on this project for the ABC. It was developed in the late nineties for CDROM application, but the ideas were still ahead of their time back then. This is just a glimpse of a couple of screens that were part of the original development.
A sketch of the ground base control centre
A sketch of the interior of space probe exploring the universe.