Explorer 1 A JOURNEY THROUGH THE SOUTHERN SKIES (1997) Please enter the realm of Explorer One and allow us to take you on a voyage of discovery from Earth to the Southern Hemisphere skies and beyond. – an interactive environment where you become the astronomer,...
Canon EOS I was a Canon Profession Photographer in one of my lifetimes, and this is a shoot I did for the EOS camera. The Picture was taken in Northern NSW at a place called Bangalow. These other pictures were taken in Egypt Home About Services Portfolio Photography...
Stone I designed and developed a promotional vehicle for a new film to made of the old cult classic Australian movie Stone. A project trailer, developed by Ink To Screen, was shown in Cannes and the US. The website is still confidential and so is the trailer. Home...
Time magazine I was was amongst a group of photographers, i think around 40, from around the world who were asked to get the image that summed up the Image of Australia’s Bi-centennial. I got the cover. Home About Services Portfolio Photography Website Design...
The Hollywood Gourmet I had a day to develop a graphic to support a TV series pitch document. I was on location in LA and didn’t have too many option to work on the project, so i created it all on an iPad. it did the job. Home About Services Portfolio...